In my early twenties, I fell madly in love, got married, and lived in a beautiful New York City apartment with a mother of pearl set in every doorway. Our lifestyle was romantic and fancy, and I looked up to my husband immensely. He was my everything and I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with him.
One day, that all changed. Our relationship started to unravel and we got divorced. I was 24, heartbroken, and living on my own for the first time. Of course, I dove into therapy and a spiritual practice so that I had the support I needed to work through the pain. I met friends who were healers, did family constellation work, and reiki.
Slowly, my emotional wounds started to heal, but I found myself feeling completely betrayed by my intuition. You see, marrying my first husband was not a mental choice; it was a knowingness in my core that I was meant to be with him.
In today’s video, I share the realization that helped me heal this feeling and allowed me to trust myself again.
I’d love to hear if you’ve had an experience like this. What did you do to cope? Please share your experience in the comments below.