Since embarking on finding ways to truly support the chronic illness community, I have learned so much about the variety of struggles that come up when someone is faced with the intensity of health challenges. Dealing with the cost of medical bills, surgeries and all the supplements you can possibly digest in order to just keep your body functioning is a financial burden that most people in this country cannot afford.
I have been aware of this since I was a little kid. I saw my parents so selflessly hiring that physical therapist for my joints or taking me to a specialist to test my gut or flying my to India to work with an acupuncturist who could potentially cure me. I often thought, there is no way that most people could do the things that my parents are able to help me with. How do they survive? How do they pay for that wheelchair so that they can function or take off work because they need to recover from a horrible flare up? The honest truth is, many of them don’t and their lives suffer tremendously because of it.
Many of the people I have been connecting with who are suffering with a chronic illness have a tremendous amount of financial stress to add to their physical stress. When this became more and more clear to me over recent months, I thought, how am I ever going to create offerings that can truly support them and also charge them for it?! After all this is my business but I have such a deep desire to be of service too! Honestly loves, I feel really vulnerable sharing that with you, because it’s something I have been thinking about a lot. You see, in the coaching world, it’s completely “normal” to charge your audience thousands of dollars for a few hours of curriculum or tens of thousands of dollars to be coached in a community over several months. But every time I checked-in about creating a program or offering a service that was similar to that model, it felt completely wrong.
That’s why I created an offering that anyone can afford while still providing a ton of content. Starting on this Thursday, February 22nd at 8PM EST I will be hosting my first live workshop on Zoom and it’s just $20 to join me! The workshop is about The Deep Inner Work It Takes To Have Self-Love Today and while I don’t only want to create content that focuses only on self-love, I feel strongly that we have to start here for this first workshop together.
I have created a lot of content that allows us to connect to daily self-love actions (like the most recent Chronic Self-Love Challenge!) and am constantly sharing ways to access self-love in a moment where we feel a total lack of it. But something I realized is that we need to go much deeper with this conversation. I want you all to have a true foundation of self-love that allows you to ACTUALLY shift the way you interact with yourself and move through your life. Not just drink a green juice on top of an overwhelming amount of negative thoughts in your head.
The emotional shift I had to make in order to be able to access self-love on a deeper level at any moment, was monumental for me and I can’t wait to dive into it all with you on Thursday.
So come and join me live for the video workshop (no matter where you live) or register to get the recording if you happen to have plans that night. Also, if you know of a person in your life who might really benefit from a deeper foundation of self-love I encourage you to share this with them. It might be the most transformative $20 they ever spent and they will have you to thank for that.
Now I want to hear from you, love. In the comments below can you take a moment to tell me which topics you would love to have me focus on for future workshops? I want to create the content that you truly feel you need so your input is really appreciated. Thanks love, see you Thursday!