Think about the best qualities of a mother for a second: she’s warm, welcoming, non-judgmental, nurturing, loving, supportive… I could go on.
It’s no wonder we consider her a safe haven, a person to love us up even when we’ve fallen on our faces, and someone to remind us that we are capable of anything.
Being a mother is an incredibly important role–whether you’re a mother to a child, a pet or a business. And embodying the energy of motherhood not only pushes us to expand our capacity for love, but also our connection to the feminine.
I’m not sure if I’ll ever have children of my own. But, as a mother of a 1.9 lb Teacup Yorkie (for almost 10 years), I know firsthand what it’s like to put another living being before myself, to love her unconditionally, and to support her healthy, happy life as much as I can.
In today’s video, I share 3 important tips on how to own our innate motherly energies so that we can experience the beauty of caring for others–and ourselves–in small ways every single day.
Now, I’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re a mother or not, what are ways that you enjoy expressing the nurturing qualities of motherhood in your life? Please share them in the comments below, as always, your input makes such a difference to our entire community.