3 Ways to Manifest More Powerfully

June 30, 2016 Health, Videos/Podcast

Raise your hand if you’ve tried to “manifest” something into your life. A partner, a job, a six figure income–you name it. Manifesting has become a buzzword over the years and although many of us have tried to make dreams come true through thoughtful consideration, many of us have not.

I can absolutely relate. There are certain things that no matter how many times I put them out into the world, meditate on them, push for them and wish for them, don’t show up.

Well, what if proper manifestation has a lot to do with letting go of the outcome?

In today’s video, I have a very special lady joining me, someone who is a powerful manifestor. She started out as a client and turned into a dear friend of mine, .

Not only does she have an incredible journey to share (watch to find out more), but she also has a best selling book on Amazon.com called Messages from Shakti that helps women all over the world access their manifestation power.

Go ahead and watch the video and be sure to join the conversation in the comments below. Zinnia and I want to hear what your experience has been like with manifestation. Please share!

Thank you for reading.

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