Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup. (I know, it sounds a little crazy!)
Let me explain.
My mother didn’t start applying blush to her cheeks, foundation to her face, or even mascara to her lashes until she was in her 30’s. She has always believed that a bare face is the epitome of true beauty, and never hesitated to say how beautiful I looked without makeup.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I love beauty products and natural skin care. But I also love setting those things aside to let my skin just be. Why? Because it allows me to connect to my real self. I also notice a huge difference in my skin; it’s clearer, softer, and has a sweet glow–something that makeup often covers up.
Braving the outside world without the usual arsenal of products on your face may seem scary, I know. But, I’ve got 10 reasons that may sway you to skip the makeup routine every once in a while. Because the results of going makeup free are more powerful than you think.
- Healing blemishes naturally. Covering our blemishes with concealer is always a knee-jerk reaction because showing up in the world, blemishes and all is a vulnerable thing. However, giving your skin the time to heal sans makeup can do wonders and even speed up the healing process.
- Being a bare skin trailblazer. As modern women, we all know that feeling beautiful leads to greater confidence. But too often, we hide behind layers of eyeshadow and eyeliner, never quite showing our real faces to the world. Be a source of inspiration for changing this by going makeup free on a regular basis. You’ll empower others to do the same.
- Reconnecting with your youthfulness. I remember always being curious about makeup when I was young, but it didn’t define me. It wasn’t necessary to go through the whole routine of brushing my cheeks with foundation and blush. I was just me. Going makeup-free brings me back to this state of mind; something that’s totally liberating!
- Giving your pores fresh oxygen & the chance to detox. Makeup gets absorbed deep into our pores making it almost impossible for oxygen to move in and out. Let your skin experience fresh air again by skipping the makeup. My favorite way to do this with confidence is with an incredible skin care routine. Right now my latest moisturizer crush is the Revitalizer by Biossance. I love it for so many reasons, but one of my favorite things about it is how clean, pure, and silky it feels on my skin, never making me regret going makeup free.
- Preventing aging. Aging is caused by the breakdown of elasticity, the slowdown of cell renewal, and a straight up lack of moisture. All three cause wrinkles. Makeup contributes to the last one most of all. Many foundations and powders suck out moisture. and scrubbing all those products off everyday pulls at our skin and stretches things out. Not cute! Give your skin a break so that aging doesn’t strike early.
- Saving time. Skip the 10-15 minutes you spend applying the contents of your makeup bag and spend it doing that thing you never make time for. Like meditation, taking the scenic route to work, or writing your intentions down in your journal. All of which can promote a healthier mindset and reduce stress (another cause of breakouts and aging!)
- Reducing makeup messes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been embarrassed by a makeup snafu. Lipstick on the teeth. Smudged eyeliner. You name it, it’s happened to me. Going makeup free means you don’t have to keep checking yourself for any messes. A beautiful thing!
I challenge you to go makeup free one day a week so that you can experience all of these amazing benefits and start feeling more confident in your skin. If you need to start small, just hangout sans foundation with a friend or if you’re feeling adventurous, go to your next party makeup free!
Now, I want to hear from you! How do you feel about going makeup free? Have you ever done it? Tell us all about it in the comments below.