Although the holidays are an incredibly exciting, vibrant and love-filled time of year, for many people it can also be a time to go in to a deep period of reflection and it can even trigger many areas of our lives that still feel unsettled. I truly invite you to embrace all of it Beauties. Whatever you are feeling, just allow it to come up and be sure that you take care of yourself in the process. This year I have felt both sides of this where some moments I am ready to drink hot chocolate with my besties and sing Christmas carols, and then at other moments I am really present to what a hard year 2012 was for me and for so many people I love.In that reflection, I know in my heart that 2013 is going to bring an abundance of exciting changes and so far it looks like this next year is going to be epic in a really thrilling way. I feel so grateful for all of the lessons I have learned in 2012 even though they have been heart-wrenching at times and I hope you can take some time to have true gratitude for all that has happened in your life this past year as well.
I know that some of this is easier said then done so I made this awesome list of my 8 Ways To Prep For 2013 and I think it will really help you set powerful intentions for the new year.
Nitika’s Eight Ways To Prep For 2013
1.Hug at least 5 people that you love before January 1st. Tightly. Be present to your immense love for them.