It is gloomy this week in my home town of NYC and I don’t know if it’s the weather or the nutty planetary movement we have going on but I have been IN IT lately! I find that I have so much I want to do and even more that I want to heal but am slowly realizing I have become all talk in certain areas of my life. In a recent panic I called my finance Beauty Karie Hill and unveiled all this sticky stuff that has been going on and boy did she have some amazing insights for me.
She was brutally and lovingly honest with me and said something like “Nitika you keep saying that you want to change in this area of your life, but you aren’t doing the things you need to change. It’s almost like you haven’t really hit rock bottom because you kind of know that someone or something will always come to your rescue.” And that in my mind I said “OH NO!! She figured me out!!” She actually uncovered something for me that has been going on subconsciously.
I don’t walk around saying or thinking that someone will come to my rescue, and in my mind I am working SO HARD to be great about everything I have to work through so I certainly don’t feel like I am not trying to change. Does this sound familiar? You might be so in it that you don’t realize this relates to your life, but I invite you to try something out for me.
Are You Authentically Making An Effort To Change?
1) Write down the area of your life that needs the most healing, work, growth or miracles.
2) Get out ALL of your frustrations, complaints, concerns, fears and lack about that area.
3) Take an inventory and write out the ways that you actively work on healing this area.
4) NOTICE THE GAPS and get supported to take divine action.
That’s the nuts and bolts of this beauties, you need to be ok with facing the authentic truth of who you are in certain areas in your life. That’s precisely what Karie was showing me on the phone, get real about what you are ACTUALLY doing. Don’t say that your cutting back on your budget when you are ACTUALLY eating out for 3 meals a day and getting your hair blow dried every week. Don’t tell yourself that you are working so hard to land the job of your dreams when you are ACTUALLY just complaining about the one you have and only sending out your resume twice a month.
I am being straight forward with you because I know that if you are on this site and reading these words, your heart is READY for a shift. Only you have the power to make that shift beautiful, you can read as many articles and cry to as many coaches but only when you get authentic about what’s really going on can you be empowered to change your life and even change the world.
I want to hear from you! Leave a comment below and let me know what area of life you are going to get CLEAR about. Share it with me and I will be sure to support you through this exciting journey.