I Finally Listened To My Mom And Started Going Makeup-Free

October 3, 2016 Beauty, Lifestyle

img_6135For as long as I can remember, my mom has been an advocate of a mostly makeup-free lifestyle. Growing up in India
meant that she was never encouraged, and often not allowed, to wear makeup at a young age. Instead, she was taught proper skin care — how to protect it from the sun and prevent aging naturally.

As you can imagine, she passed a lot of her knowledge onto me as I started experimenting with makeup. While all my friends showed up at school with faces full of blush and mascara, I was not allowed to follow suit. I would beg my mom to let me wear bright lipsticks and every sparkly thing in between, and she would always say, “You don’t need makeup, Pataki (which means firecracker). You’re pretty without it.” She also told me it wasn’t good to continually paint my skin and then scrub everything off.

While I can appreciate her advice now, I went through much of my teenage years rebelling and wore as much makeup as physically possible. Now in my 30s, I have truly learned to embrace the skin I’m in and find myself sharing my mother’s wisdom with all my girlfriends.

I’ve started making it a point to go makeup free as often as possible. It’s truly transformed the way my skin looks because I’m letting it breathe. I find that it feels cleaner and looks brighter every time.

I recently shared the top 5 reasons I go makeup free with my friends over at She Knows so to check out my post and have fun loving the skin you’re in!

This blog is in partnership with SheKnows.com 

Thank you for reading.

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