If you have been reading my weekly letters to you, or if you happen to know me personally, you might already know that one of my favorite things to say when someone (myself included) needs to get centered in their truth is that love is possible in every moment. I am sure this sounds fairly simple and almost so obvious that you might not even get the depth of this statement initially. I assure you, this one is so deep that it can center you and have you connect to your inner wisdom in an instant. Want to know how? When you get hurt by a friend, the possibility of loving them through their mistakes is right there. When you hurt yourself by eating too much, judging yourself harshly or holding yourself back from the greatness you are meant to create, the ability to love yourself and have tremendous compassion for your process is right there. When you loose the job you thought you were destined to have or you don’t book the job you had been hoping to, the choice you have is to either feel the suffering and rejection which are both valid, or to choose love in that moment. Love for your process. Love for your destiny. And love and gratitude for the faith you have in knowing it WILL work out, you ARE destined for greatness and YOU ARE LOVED. (Pictured here with my sweet friend Natalie Berthold who reminds me that love is possible in every moment!)
So as each of you go on and strive to be your best selves, know that I love you and am so grateful for you. Because I know that if you are reading this you are committed to love even if you don’t always know how to access it. Come on over to the site and let me know how you plan to love yourself TODAY. Is there an issue you need support with? I would be happy to help you find the love in your life, so just leave me a comment below.