With the temptation of all the stuffing, all the pies, and all things in between just a few days away, I thought we could use a friendly reminder on how to take care of ourselves at the Thanksgiving table!
There’s no better person to guide us through that than my dear friend Cassandra Bodzak. She’s the host of Eat with Intention TV, and you may also recognize her as the happy, healthy living guru from ABC’s The Taste. She’s the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, and a global meditation and wellness teacher who instructs people on how to utilize the technologies of food, mindfulness, and self-care to make peace with their bodies and their plates.
I recently sat down with Cassandra and heard all about her new book, Eat With Intention which just came out on November 15th. She poured every bit of her heart and soul into this book and it shows, big time.
I loved it so much that I decided to do a video with her about it. This is not your traditional cookbook. You will not have to do a cleanse, eat kale every day, or eliminate an entire food group. Instead, you will learn the step-by-step process for eating with intention and put a stop to the never ending cycle of fad diets, constant exhaustion, and general unhappiness with your body and yourself.
I also thought this could be an amazing gift for someone special in your life! You can grab a copy for you or a loved one.
Remember, I absolutely LOVE hearing from you, so be sure to leave a comment below to let me know how you plan to eat with intention over the holidays. Love you!