I have to come out and be honest with you about something. I have been hiding out. I know that to some people it might seem like I let the world in, I share everything and am so open, but there is something I have been holding back from you and today is the day I have decided to share it with you. I talk about healing my Psoriasis a lot, how it has been a huge part of my journey and the fact that I was able to over come the disease has been such a huge gift. I have certainly made my healing journey a part of my every day life, in fact here I am downing an Aloe Vera shot with my love and I share pics like this with fans and friends on social media often. Well, there is more to the story.
About six years ago I had reached my worst physical state. I was unable to walk without severe pain, I had Psoriasis all over my face and literally covering about 95% of my body. The Psoriasis became so overwhelming that it ended up taking over my joints and causing Psoriatic Arthritis as well. I was in a constant state of physical suffering and the thought of accomplishing anything more then getting out of bed felt like an impossible task. I had been living like this for about six years by this time. Then I had a moment one morning, lying in my bed crying as I woke up to intense pain, that I didn’t want to try and do this alone anymore. You see, I had the love of my family always, but I had also recently learned about manifestation, Louise Hay and her healing affirmations, and had been watching The Secret on repeat. I took on this intense belief that I could heal myself, that I was the one creating this dis-ease and I was the one who was going to get out of it. The amount of pressure I put on my spirit, my mind and ultimately my body was too much. I was actually taking these incredibly healing and beautiful tools and using them to beat myself up! Anyone ever done that before? I know we all have. So I reached a point, crying in my bed, where I decided to ask God for help and let him know that I didn’t want to do it alone anymore. Long story short, I ended up going to the doctor and taking a medicine that completely changed my life. Within two weeks I was skipping down the street and wearing dresses which had both been impossible tasks for years. I knew in my heart that the medicine worked because I had done INTENSE spiritual and emotional work for years, because every remedy or medicine I had tried until this point had always failed.